Your tax lawyer
The customer is invited to specify his request either by e-mail or during a telephone interview. Depending on the elements communicated, the Firm returns to the client with a service proposal.​​
The NR Avocats Firm practices four billing methods:
At the hourly rate
Between €300 and €400 excluding tax
This second mode is provided in particular when the number of expected working hours can be estimated with sufficient precision from the start of the relationship with the client. This package takes into account the legal research necessary to process the file as well as the time taken to respond to the client.
This time therefore varies depending on the written or oral nature of the consultation requested. Furthermore, the physical meeting is billed more expensive than a telephone interview.
According to a result fee
Depending on the financial gain that the intervention of Cabinet NR Avocats will have enabled the client to achieve in the event of litigation. Our Code of Ethics nevertheless requires the profession to combine this method of invoicing with fixed remuneration.
According to a monthly subscription
At a decreasing hourly rate depending on the number of hours to which the subscription entitles you
Need an expert tax lawyer in Paris?
In all cases, the invoicing terms are specified in advance with the customer.
When the planned billing method is hourly rate billing, an estimate of the fees is nevertheless established as part of the fee agreement with mention of a ceiling. If, due to an unforeseen development of the file, the ceilingshould be exceeded by more than 15%, the NR Avocats Firm would immediately notify the client in order to agree on the follow-up to be given to the file.
Contact us today for detailed information on our consultation rates and fees. We are here to answer all your questions and provide you with an accurate estimate of our services. Your satisfaction is our priority.